
Joint Service in Observance of Tisha B’Av


August 12, 2024    
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Temple Sinai
50 Sewall Avenue, Brookline, Massachusetts, 02446

As we have for many years, the Temple Ohabei Shalom community will join with Temple Sinai and Temple Israel for our Tisha B’Av observance. This year, Temple Sinai will host our observance, in which we will be commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples, reflecting on our history and seeking comfort through prayer and reflection. Together, we honor this solemn day with readings from the Book of Lamentations and meaningful communal prayers. We gather for this service, which includes reading and chanting of Biblical book of Lamentations, singing beautiful and sad songs of exile, and praying for repair.

The service will be held at Temple Sinai in the Weintraub Community Room. Please enter through the Religious School building on Sewall Street, not the Sanctuary doors on Charles Street, which will be locked.