
Sisterhood Author Talk Organized by Sisterhood and Adult Education


September 25, 2024    
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

The Sisterhood of Temple Ohabei Shalom is proud to present its first event of the season! In conjunction with the TOS Adult Education Committee, we are proud to present on September 25th at 7:00 pm a book talk and presentation by author Barbara Vinick on her latest book 100 Jewish Brides: Stories from Around the World. This groundbreaking book captures an astounding array of matrimonial customs, rituals, and rites through emotionally powerful first-person accounts of Jewish marriage by women from every corner of the globe. In light of the recent marriage of our own Cantor Maayan Silverman, this is a timely topic for us at TOS. The author, Barbara Vinick, is a graduate of Bryn Mawr College and received her Ph.D. in Sociology from Boston University and conducted post-doctoral research in human development at Harvard University. She is  a research gerontologist at the Department of Veterans Affairs and associate professor at the School of Public Health of Boston University. Barbara has authored a number of books, including Today I am a Woman: Stories of Bat Mitzvah around the World.

Come join us on September 25th when Barbara will speak and give a PowerPoint presentation which highlights many of these lovely brides and their cultures. 

Please RSVP to Sisterhood President Denise Karlin at djkarlin@rcn.com