
Get Out the Vote Shabbat!


September 20, 2024    
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm


1187 Beacon Street, Brookline
Please join us for a shabbat service featuring Dr. Jeff Berry, TOS Trustee and Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Tufts University, followed by a postcard writing party to support the Religious Action Center’s “Every Voice Every Vote” campaign (https://rac.org/take-action/every-voice-every-vote/reform-movements-every-voice-every-vote-campaign-sending-postcards-voters)
We will be writing postcards to two different groups of voters:
1) Voters in communities impacted by barriers to voting
2) Voters in Florida to protect and expand reproductive freedom
This event is co-organized by the TOS Brotherhood and TOS Social Action and Adult Education committees.
Please enter through the glass doors on Marshal Street next to the parking lot.