
High Holy Days at TOS for Families

Dear TOS Families,

Every year, we reach out with some advice about how to celebrate the High Holy Days in your home and at TOS. Please read on to learn which of our services are best for which age of kids, our thoughts about finding time for the introspection that the Holy Days bring, and even our favorite recipes!

This year, Rosh Hashanah falls on Thursday October 3, and Yom Kippur is on Saturday October 12 (over the long Indigenous Peoples’ Day weekend). At TOS, we are planning many different moments for kids and families!

But before we jump into all of the details: Please know that at TOS, we believe that children are important members of the community in their own right. We welcome the sounds and songs of babies and young ones in our services. There are times, however, when the community requires quiet and calm in the Sanctuary for prayer and reflection (for example, during Torah and Haftarah readings, Divrei Torah/sermons, silent meditation time, and Mourners’ Kaddish). Please use your judgment and feel free to go into the hallway or outside with your children as needed. 

If you have young children, please feel free to bring quiet toys and activities to help keep them occupied during moments of quiet and calm prayer and reflection during services. Please remind your kids that in services we talk softly and do not run or jump, in order to show respect to others and to give everyone the opportunity to pray. Some of our favorite quiet toys are wikisticks, pipecleaners, or sticker books. And please use your best discretion as to when it’s time to take your child outside for a break as they get restless.

On Rosh Hashanah day, we would like to start the tradition of reading the names of all the babies and children who have come into the lives of our TOS families during the past year. If you welcomed a new child or grandchild after Rosh Hashanah 2023 (9/15/23) and would like us to include them, please email Daria Cohen, Executive Assistant, dcohen@ohabei.org.

Take a look below at all of the ways in which children and families can opt in to the High Holy Days.

Wednesday night, October 2 – Erev Rosh Hashanah B’yachad 
Erev Rosh Hashanah B’yachad is a new offering this year, truly designed to meet each family’s needs!

5:15pm – Family Service (tots through 5th graders) Led by Rabbi Audrey Berkman, Cantor Maayan Silverman, and Music Educator Josh Cohen. This new family service, designed for families with children ages 0-11, will weave together our traditional High Holy Day prayers with storytelling and music.

6:15pm – Dinner and Dessert
Registration mandatory (and RSVP form closes at 5 pm on 9/30/24) Bring an apple-themed dessert to share! 

7:15pm – Erev Rosh Hashanah Services (designed for adults & for families of 6th grade and up) 

Thursday morning, October 3 – Rosh Hashanah

9:45 Childcare Opens (registration required) Dropoff will open at 9:45 am in time for the 10 am start to Sanctuary Services.

Around 12:30, the kids in childcare will plan to come to the Sanctuary for the Shofar blasts at the end of the Sanctuary Service (parents can meet their children at the bima).

11:15 am – Youth Services, designed for kids in grades K-5
Plan to attend the 10 am Sanctuary Service. Around 11:15, the clergy will announce the start of the Youth Service. This pull-out service is for kids only! Amy Deutsch (ARS Director) and Josh Cohen (Music Educator) will bring the students to the Chapel for an age-appropriate service and singing experience. Students in grades 6 and up are expected to stay with their adults in the main Sanctuary service.

At the end of the Youth Service, students will have a snack and then come back into the Sanctuary Service for the Shofar blasts at the end of the Sanctuary Service.

Friday afternoon, October 4 – Rosh Hashanah Day 2

4:45 pm – Tashlich

Join us for tashlich, the ceremonial casting-off of wrongdoings from the past year – or for your kids, a fun time to throw acorns into the river!

Meet at TOS at 4:30 or at the Muddy River at 4:45. Stay for snacks and evening services after tashlich!

Saturday, October 12 – Yom Kippur

9:30 am Tot Service ages 0-6 (Chapel) 
A fun and meaningful service designed especially for our youngest members and guests and their families.

10:15 Childcare Opens (registration required) Dropoff will open at 10:15 am in time for the 10:30 am start to Sanctuary Services.

11:30 am – Youth Services, designed for kids in grades K-5

Plan to attend the 10:30 am Sanctuary Service. Around 11:30, the clergy will announce the start of the Youth Service. This pull-out service is for kids only! Amy Deutsch (ARS Director) and Josh Cohen (Music Educator) will bring the students to the Chapel for an age-appropriate service and singing experience. Students in grades 6 and up are expected to stay with their adults in the main Sanctuary service.

At the end of the Youth Service, students will meet their parents back in the Sanctuary Service.

4:00 pm – Childcare Opens

Childcare will stay open until the end of the Neilah (closing) service.

5:30 pm – Neilah (Closing) Service

Students will be invited to the bima to help with the Havdalah ritual to end Yom Kippur – using glowsticks!

And to close, we’d love to share with you a few of our favorite ways to celebrate – through food! Bake Shari’s grandma’s beloved apple cake or Anna’s Grandma Adele’s delicious noodle kugel or use Amy’s favorite challah recipe to get messy with your kids making a round challah. Building Jewish memories at home is important too!

We look forward to celebrating the High Holy Days together with you.

Shana tova u’metukah – may it be a good and sweet new year!
Amy Deutsch, ARS Director 
Anna Goodkind, TCEE Director 
Shari Churwin, Executive Director of Education and Administration